Tmux Jump between Prompt Output with OSC 133 Shell Integration Standard

tanut aran
2 min readNov 30, 2024


This apply for Tmux version 3.4 +

Step 1 — The OSC 133 Standard for Prompt Jump

The OSC is Operating System Command. We have many standard here like OSC7 etc.

OSC 133 marks where the prompt start executed, end.

Let’s see what the standard says. I found the one on MS website explain it pretty good.

Basically we need to type

ESC ] 133 ; A ESC \

before every prompt output

Step 2 — Find the way to type the escape char

Now we try to write

ESC ] 133 ; A ESC \

First find the escape for your terminal by

showkey -a
# then hit escape

Press any keys - Ctrl-D will terminate this program
^[ 27 0033 0x1b

You can use either \x1b as shown above as HEX or default escape code \e. References here :

Now we do the Testing

# ESC ] 133 ; A ESC \
# can be both written as

echo -n "\\x1b]133;A\\x1b\\"

# OR

echo "\\e]133;A\\e\\"

Then we use TMUX to grab it

# Try to run the command with Ctrl+B then ':'

# Type in the command
send -X previous-prompt

See if you can go back to previous prompt

Step 3 — Force ZSH to emit the Control Char

Now we will integrate this into every time we run any command

Add this statement into your .zshrc

preexec () {
echo -n "\\x1b]133;A\\x1b\\"

Step 4 — Config and Force the Tmux Binding

Here is my binding Alt with , and . I like to remember it like < and > without shift.

You set one in your .tmux.conf

bind -n M-m copy-mode
bind -T copy-mode-vi M-. send-keys -X next-prompt
bind -T copy-mode-vi M-, send-keys -X previous-prompt

Closing terminal might not enouh, you may need the hard restart with

tmux kill-server

Here you go !



tanut aran
tanut aran

Written by tanut aran

Co-founder and Coder at work !

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