SQL : Learn how to Insert Update Delete together with Merge into Command
2 min readApr 6, 2024
Syncing from source to destination table with only one command
Scenario & Use case
Syncing data from source table to destination table
Step 1: Data preparation
create table test_src (
id int identity,
product varchar(255),
code varchar(255)
create table test_dest (
id int identity,
product varchar(255),
code varchar(255)
insert into test_src (product, code) values ('foo', '111'), ('bar', '222')
insert into test_dest (product, code) select product, code from test_src
Now our source and destination is in sync
Step 2: Simulate the change
insert into test_src (product, code) values ('baz', '333')
delete from test_src where product = 'foo'
update test_src set code = '223' where product = 'bar'
Step 3: Use MERGE INTO to keep the destination in sync
merge into test_dest as dest
using test_src as src
on dest.id = src.id
when matched then
set dest.product = src.product,
dest.code = src.code
when not matched then
insert (product, code)
values (src.product, src.code)
when not matched by source then delete;
You can check the result by
select * from test_dest
You can reset and try this again with the following command
truncate table test_dest
insert into test_src (product, code) values ('foo', '111'), ('bar', '222')
insert into test_dest (product, code) select product, code from test_src
select * from test_src
select * from test_dest
For more complex use case
You can see that after MATCHED
keyword, it is the SQL statement
Then you can modify it into anything to fit your use case.
If we do not have MERGE INTO
We will have to do 3 things
- Insert the differences
insert into test_dest (product, code)
select test_src.product, test_src.code from test_src
left join test_dest
on test_src.id = test_dest.id
where test_dest.id is null
2. Update the existing
-- Update data
update test_dest
set test_dest.product = test_src.product,
test_dest.code = test_src.code
from test_dest
inner join test_src on test_dest.id = test_src.id
3. Remove deleted record
delete test_dest
from test_dest
left join test_src on test_dest.id = test_src.id
where test_src.id is null
…which can be too many work