Minimal Setup Ubuntu SSH User/Pass Login in 3 Steps
May 23, 2021
Warning: this is not secure at all, only for testing things out.
Step 1: Create User/pass
and also the home directory for this user
sudo useradd my-temp-user
sudo passwd my-temp-usersudo mkdir /home/my-temp-user// Grant perm
sudo chgrp my-temp-user /home/my-temp-user
sudo chown my-temp-user /home/my-temp-user
Step 2: Enable password login in SSHD
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Looking for this line, change it from no
to yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
Then restart it to take effect
sudo systemctl restart sshd
Step 3: Done test login with the new user
ssh my-temp-user@
Bingo now we logged in with the new user